Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Robert B. Richards

Committee Members

Ralph D. Kimberlin,


Thesis statement: The objective of this thesis is to detail aspects of the developmental testing of the Cockpit 21 (CP21) modified prototype of the T-45A aircraft, specifically relating to its suitability as a flight trainer for the United States Navy Jet Training syllabus. The CP21 system is considered a "glass cockpit" modification to the standard cockpit layout, replacing analog primary flight instruments in each cockpit with two, side by side, multi-function displays with associated system processing hardware. In March 1995, following 12 months of initial developmental testing of the CP21 system through 24 Operational Flight Program (OFP) software loads, a final Navy flight test evaluation was conducted utilizing OFP 2E-5. The evaluation focused on the capability of CP21 to provide an adequate flight training platform without degradation from the analog T-45A displays. Flight test maneuvers included basic instrument training, instrument navigation, familiarization flight, aerobatics, formation flight, air-to-ground weapon delivery, air combat maneuvering, and carrier landing practice. This thesis describes the Navy’s developmental flight test evaluation of CP21, as well as some specific results. Recommendations for system software and component modifications are included, where appropriate. In summary, the CP21 modification has proven to be unsatisfactory for Navy Undergraduate Jet Training due to improper and inadequate implementation of system software, display functionality and symbology. Specific major deficiencies included: the lack of usable trend indications for altitude and airspeed, uncommanded blanking of the primary flight reference displays, and severe display latencies in the primary attitude reference.

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