Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Kenneth Stephenson


Ken Stephenson has created a computer program, CirclePack©, that utilizes a sequential iterative approach to approximate a packing label for a given cp-complex. In this paper the author explains the migration of this algorithm to a parallel computer, the MasPar MP-2. The author explores three different algorithms, a binary search, a monotone binary search and a Newton's method algorithm. Two variables within the algorithms, factor and iterations, are adjusted to attempt to find the most efficient combination of variable for a particular algorithm. To best utilize the MasPar, the author utilized the physical connections between each node to impose a regular hexagonal complex on the Main Processor Array of the MasPar. Data was gathered on the times each algorithm took to create an approximate packing. These times were compared to identify the best conditions to reach an approximate packing.

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