Masters Theses


Lisa A. Ennis

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Information Sciences

Major Professor

Carol Tenopir

Committee Members

David Penniman, Peiling Wang


This study uses a Likert type scale to examine Technostress and the attitudes of academic ARL reference librarians. A Likert survey with twenty items allowing the participants to respond, strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree was sent to 97 ARL academic libraries in the United States. The librarians could either return the survey through the postal service or via e-mail. The total population consisted of all academic ARL reference librarians in the United States, about 2,000 librarians total. Of the 2,000 librarians 158 responded. The results demonstrate that even though technology creates a large amount of stress, librarians are excited and enthusiastic about the resources technology have made available.

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