Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

R. T. Whitaker

Committee Members

M. A. Abidi, Jens Gregor


This thesis describes our investigation of creating 3-D models from multiple range images. There are many aspects to this research. We begin with an evaluation of the occupancy grid approach to fusing range data. After our evaluation, we develop a confidence metric that provides additional information about the workspace. Our research in the occupancy grid method shows that it is not ideal for our application using range images. A review of the volumetric modeling literature leads us to believe that we can develop a new technique that has the advantageous properties of the occupancy grid but is designed to be as efficient with range images as other volumetric approaches.

The second half of this thesis describes the new volumetric technique that we have developed. It presents the theory behind the approach, develops the method for combining information from several views, and tells how we extract a surface to create the final model. Finally we give several examples of our technique on real and synthetic data sets.

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