Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Performance and Sport Studies

Major Professor

Patricia A. Beitel

Committee Members

Joan Paul


African-American women have been competing in track and field at historically black colleges since the 1920's. Between 1972 and 1980 Prairie View A&M, a historically black college, won and set records at track and field championship meets. The purpose of this study was to investigate Prairie View A&M University between 1972-1980 as a case study of one of the women's track and field programs at a historically black college. Prairie View was selected for this study because historians have already investigated women's track and field programs at Tennessee State and Tuskegee.

In 1966 Barbara Jacket revived the Prairie View women's track and field team, leading it to national recognition in the 1970's. Her teams won the championships of the Association of intercollegiate Athletic for Women, the United States Track and Field Federation, and the Track and Field Association-United States of America as well as many other significant meets. Several of her athletes became Olympians and received international recognition. This is a story that deserves to be told.

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