Doctoral Dissertations
Dissertations from 2003
To go or not to go, that is the question : an empirical analysis of battered women's decision making processes while residing in a domestic violence shelter, Shacunda Joytae Burton
Assessment center construct validity : establishing expectations based on the dimension activation theory, Michelle A. Bush
Caregivers' perceptions about their children identified as having atypical behavior, Catherine Swanson Cain
Life satisfaction and self-concept of elderly living in congregate and non-congregate housing in Knox County, Tennessee, Barbara Joyce Canada
Domesticity and the modernist aesthetic : F.T. Marinetti, Djuna Barnes, and Gertrude Stein, Allison Elise Carey
Domesticity and the Modernist Aesthetic: F.T. Marinetti, Djuna Barnes, and Gertrude Stein, Allison Elise Carey
An examination of the relationships between consumer benefits, satisfaction, and loyalty in the purchase of retail store branded products, Jason Matthew Carpenter
The discourse of working-class self-education in Victorian narrative, Merrie Shannon Carpenter
Environmental stress affects the glucosinolate-myrosinase system in brassica species, Craig Stanton Charron
An Empirical Examination of Frontal Sinus Outline Variability Using Elliptic Fourier Analysis: Implications for Identification, Standardization, and Legal Admissibility, Angi M. Christensen
Returning home and Leaving Again: A Phenomenological Investigation of a Sojourner’s Experience, Victoria Christofi
Academic casual attributions and course performance for college students, Lloyd E. Clark
Use of Rorschach variables in the assessment of psychotherapy progress, Amanda Jill Clemence
The criminal exploitation of ambiguity : a multi-level analysis of fraudulent telemarketers, Glenn Steven Coffey
Environmental Constraints on the Distribution of the Non-native Grass, Microstegium vimineum, Patrice G. Cole
“Compelled to Connect: A Phenomenological Study of the Experience of Writing, Shannon D. Collins
Tomographic neurofeedback : a new technique for the self-regulation of brain electrical activity, Marco Congedo
Evaluation of Microbial Inocula for Initiation of Biological Life Support Systems for Wastewater Processing on Long Term and Deep Space Missions, Kimberly L. Cook
The Social Construction of Tourism in Cuba: A Geographic Analysis of the Representations of Gender and Race during the Special Period 1995-1997, Michael W. Cornebise
Love, marriage, and desire in the era of the new woman, Casey Althea Cothran
Effects of ciprofloxacin on drug P450 metabolic pathways in pigs, Sherry Cox
The impact of U.S. news & world report rankings on MBA programs at eight public institutions, Nissa Dahlin-Brown
The Effect of Brand Equity in Supply Chain Relationships, Donna F. Davis
Body Condition Score and Dairy Form as Indicators of Dairy Cattle Disease and Reproductive Performance., Chad D. Dechow
The career satisfaction, future plans, and personal characteristics of Tennessee public school science and mathematics teachers in 2001, Delisa K. Dismukes
The Development and Utilization of a Survey Instrument to Determine the Acceptance of National Standards for Technological Literacy, Robert Malcolm Donan
The Harm of Neglecting Embodiment: How Biomedical Ethics’ Neglect of Bodies and Context Hurts Women and Minorities, Nancy L. Dumler
Weight preoccupation in middle school, high school and college females : the influence of self-esteem and locus of control, Gregory Lee Duthey
Integrons : antibiotic resistance gene capturing systems and their prevalence in bacteria associated with animals, Paul Dennis Ebner
Mechanisms of toxicant-induced vascular cell injury : role of phospholipase A₂ enzymes, Mona Ahmed Elgayyar
Dating Violence and Psychosocial Problems: Exploratory Findings from a Sample of Adolescents Facing Unwanted Pregnancy, Gretchen E. Ely
Job stress and turnover intentions among Tennessee Cooperative Extension System employees, Patsy Ahmed Ezell
Thermophysical properties of metallic systems determined by pulse-heating calorimetry, Douglas Stewart Falcon
Collaborative learning among farmers as an approach to alternative agriculture education, Robin Antony Fazio
Adventures of an 'itinerant institutor' : the life and philanthropy of Thomas Bernard, Jonathan Allen Fowler
“Design of Molecular Mechanics Modeling Techniques For Exploring Molecular Recognition Using Cyclodextrins., Shannon Bradley Fox
Species Diversity and Assembly History in Ecological Communities: Microcosm Experiments and Computer Simulations, Tadashi Fukami
“Effects of n-3 and n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Human Promyelocytic HL- 60 Cells, Robert Clements Gillis
Gender comparisons of marriage education participants' and nonparticipants' relational qualities and dynamics, Keith Dewayne Goforth
An Examination of Interorganizational Relationship Magnitude and Its Role in Determining Relationship Value, Susan L. Golicic
Toxic Communities: Examining the Relationship between Race, Market Forces, and Environmental Hazards using Elementary Schools as Community Locus, Stephanie Joy Gonzales
Evaluating the Quality, Usability, and Potential Effectiveness of Online Learning Modules: A Case Study of Teaching with Technology Grant Recipients at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Christina Marie Goode
Effects of Urbanization on a Small Perennial Stream: Second Creek in Knoxville, Tennessee, Judith Laing Grable
Students’ Experiences of the Social Environment and Social Presence in Campus-Based and Web-Based Education, Jennifer Lynn Gramling
Camps for children with autism, Jayne O'Neal Griffin
Phenomenological inquiry of the primary caregiving experience : challenges, rewards, and hopes for the future, Lee Ann Grubbs
Integrated Field Emission Electron Guns With Single Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofiber Cathodes, Michael Alberto Guillorn
How can I be like Mike? : professional female athletes and the negotiation of identities in the presence of media images, Susan Melanie Gutkind
Dipole-Bound Anions, Nathanael Isaac Hammer
“Enhancement of Sensitivity and Selectivity of Chemical Sensors Through Thin Film Coatings and Surface Modifications, Joseph Jeremy Headrick
Synthetic studies on anti-cancer and anti-HIV compounds, Sarah Autumn Headrick
On properties related to going-up for commutative rings, Andrew J. Hetzel
Factors affecting choice and perceptions of quality of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville : a qualitative study, Deborah J. Hicks
Prediction of dose-time profiles for solar particle events using neural networks, Jennifer Lynn Hoff
What Is the Web-Based Interactive Advertising (WIA) to Consumers?: Consumer’s Interpretation and Interaction with WIA, Jang-Sun Hwang
Elucidation of the Players and Events Regulating the First Meiotic Division in Mouse Spermatocytes, Amy Lynn Inselman
Regulation of S-adenosylmethionine synthetase genes in amoebae by bacterial endosymbionts, Taeck-Joong Jeon
The meaning of sport-related events in the process of becoming and being a fan : a grounded theory study of highly committed sport fans, Melinda Jo Jones
Organoboron halides in organic synthesis, Yuhong Ju
Group Discussion of Power among College Women, Tiffany Elizabeth Kelsey
Fire and forest in the highlands of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic : modern dynamics and long-term history, Lisa Marie Kennedy
Computational Models for Diusion of Second Messengers in Visual Transduction, Harihar Khanal
Studies on regulatory roles of the translation initiation factor 3 subunits E and H in Arabidopsis, Tae-Houn Kim
A Phenomenological Investigation of the Experiences of Engineering Upperclassmen in a Team Facilitator Training Program, Daniel W. Knight Jr
Socio-cultural Interactions and ESL Graduate Student Enculturation: A Cross Sectional Analysis, Ethan W. Krase
Bayesian Analysis of Threshold Autoregressive Models, Yongjae Kwon
Lysophosphatidic acid induction of tissue factor gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells, Essam Laag
Geographic information system (GIS) and epidemiological associations among foodborne pathogens at the farm, Kimberly Denise Lamar
Pushing the envelope : the Women Airforce Service Pilots and American society, Katherine Elizabeth Landdeck
Patterns Among Computer-Mediated Instruction, Student Learning Styles and Student Achievement, John Peter LaPrise
The Other Side of Love: Sam Shepard’s Gothic Family Plays, Eric Andrew Lee
Determinant attributes used by the elderly for making grocery store choices, Angela Lewis
State, Governance and Environmental Sustainability: A Cross-National Analysis, Han Gyu Lheem
The Effects of Retinol during In Vivo and In Vitro Oocyte Maturation and Embryonic Development., Tracy Elizabeth Livingston
U.S. history textbook comprehensiveness : a study of how current textbooks meet the standards of Tennessee, California, Texas, New York, and Georgia, Michael Glen Lovorn
Performance Improvements of Common Sparse Numerical Linear Algebra Computations, Piotr Rafal Luszczek
First Amendment ferment : compelled commercial speech cases and the conflict over mandatory commodity fees, Retha Jane Martin
Self-consistent description of rotational properties of highly deformed states in atomic nuclei far from stability, Mladen Totev Matev
Transgenic Approaches to Study Nodulation in the Model Legume, Lotus japonicus, Crystal Bickley McAlvin
Interfirm Demand Integration: The Role of Marketing in Bridging the Gap Between Demand and Supply Chain Management, Teresa M. McCarthy
Advanced eddy current test signal analysis for steam generator tube defect classification and characterization, James Patrick McClanahan
A critique of the disease model of addiction, Annette Mary Mendola
Together we know more than we know we know : collaborative learning with information technology students, Martha J. Merrill
Leadership behavior of East Tennessee directors of public schools and the job satisfaction of principals, Gerald Garrison Miller
A Distributed Control System for Priority-Based Site-Specific Irrigation, Fabio Rodrigues de Miranda
Photoproduction of the K⁺K⁻(1750), Ryan Edward Mitchell
Changes in the therapeutic alliance and symptomatology : use of a time series design to assess which comes first, Mark Anthony Moore
Role of Dietary Carbohydrate Source in the Development of Obesity in Rodent Models of Diet-Induced Obesity, Kristin Lynnet Morris
A High Shear-Rate Optical Rheometer for Complex Fluids, Khaled S. Mriziq
Aspects of Black Hole Scattering, Suphot Musiri
Synthesis of boronated analogues of tumor specific agents, Nisha R. Natarajan
Classwide peer tutoring : three experiments investigating the generalized effects of increased oral reading fluency to silent reading comprehension, Christine Elizabeth Neddenriep