Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Gerald D. Mahan

Committee Members

Geoffrey Canright, John Quinn, Marshall Pace


Two problems are discussed in this thesis. In Part I, we present a theory of tun- able infrared response in metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. Multipole plasmons are localized collective electronic oscillations which arise from a nonuniform density of electrons. We investigate whether multipole plasmons in semiconductor quantum well structures can be used as linear or nonlinear detectors of infrared ra- diation. The frequencies of these detectors can be tuned using a gate voltage. We study the response of the MOSFET to static and time-dependent electric field applied perpendicular to its interface metal-semiconductor. A time-dependent local density approximation is used to calculate the optical response. To achieve our goal, we calculated the linear α(ω) and the second-order β(ω) polarizability as function of the frequency of the applied electric field. If the separation between the lowest subbands is δ, then intersubband transitions require a photon energy ħω1 = δ for one photon transitions, and 2ħω = δ for two photon transitions. The linear polarizability α(ω) has resonance at frequencies near ω1, while the second-order polarizability β(ω) has resonance at frequencies near ω2. There are some plots of the polarizabilities to show their resonant frequencies in function of the change in the gate voltage. In Part II, we calculated the ground-state energy of the metallic hydrogen and potassium by Hartree-Fock variational method.

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