Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

David K. Smith


A nomenclatural and taxonomical study of Brachythecium (Bryophyta: Musci) reported for Latin America (Central America, South America, West Indies) and Subantarctica areas is. presented, including treatment of 116 legitimate specific epithets, 13 legitimate infraspecific epithets, and 19 illegitimate names.

The study includes a history of the genus, natural and artificial keys to taxa for all of Latin America and a phytogeographical discussion. Descriptions, distribution maps, and illustrations are given for each recognized taxon. In the chapter on type studies, the typification of each legitimate specific or infraspecific epithet and description of its type are presented along with a list of synonyms disposing of each legitimate and illegitimate name. Discussion of phenotypic variation of taxonomically important characters, ecology, and phytogeography is included.

The study resulted in: (1) recognition of 28 taxa for the defined area, of which 21 are considered to be indigenous and seven that exhibit distributions within and outside the area; (2) exclusion of four taxa previously reported for the defined area; (3) relegation of nine taxa as nom. obsc. for the lack of type specimens; (4) synonymized three taxa with taxa of other genera; (5) description of three new sections, Albicans Nyholm ex McFarland, Stereopoma McFarland, and Subplicata McFarland; (6) description of two new species, B. cirriphylloides McFarland and B. guatemalense McFarland; and (7) proposal of one new combination Kingbergia immersum (Ther.) McFarland.

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