Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

John Ray

Committee Members

Russell French, Schuyler Huck, Lawrence Husch


This study examined the attitudes and career choice for eighth grade students at one East Tennessee middle school. Each participant completed the Modified Aiken Mathematics Attitude Scale Survey and a Career Selection form. The attitude scale and the career selection form were both administered by the researcher. Percentage comparisons were made to see if attitudes towards mathematics made an impact on the future career choice. The participants' were compared to see if male attitudes towards mathematics were different from female attitudes towards mathematics. Finally, male and female results on the attitude scale were compared within assigned groups as defined in this study. Students in this school system are required to choose a career track as they leave the eighth grade. Evaluation of students' career selections had previously been examined and programs had been put in place to help students make better career choices. The study made no attempt to evaluate the programs that are in place or attitudes of the teachers in the school.

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