Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Wildlife and Fisheries Science

Major Professor

Samuel R. Tipton

Committee Members

J.G. Carlson, D.F. Holiman



The effect of the administration of thyroid powder and propylthiouracil in a forced feeding regimen upon the restoration of certain components of the rat liver has been studied at fourteen, twenty-four, and forty-eight hours after partial hepatectomy in the rat. Cellularity was determined and found to be highest in the thyroid group, intermediate in the controls, and lowest in the propylthiouracil group, both at operation, and throughout the subsequent regeneration. All groups declined in cellularity after the operation with only the thyroid group showing a significant return towards normal by the forty-eighth hour.

After the operation RNAP per cell, protein per cell, and total mass all rose Significantly in the thyroid and control groups. The propylthiouracil group showed a significant increase in RNAP and total mass. In all groups DNAP per cell rose at twenty-four hours and had returned to normal values by forty-eight hours. This rise was significant only for the thyroid and control groups. The total restoration in the organ as a whole indicated that lipid infiltration was more persistent in the propylthiouracil group which also seemed to restore protein at a lower rate than did the other groups.

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