"Structural and Electronic Properties of Epitaxial FeSe and FeTe Thin F" by Xiyou Peng

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Hanno Weitering

Committee Members

Hanno Weitering, Norman Mannella, Steve Johnston, Adolfo G Eguiluz, Dustin A. Gilbert


The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in an epitaxial monolayer of FeSe grown on the SrTiO3(001) substrate suggests the possibility of realizing high superconducting critical temperatures via heterostructure engineering. The mechanism behind this remarkable phenomenon remains unclear, however, although it is evident that the SrTiO3 substrate plays a crucial role. Possible contributing factors include enhanced electron-phonon coupling involving the Fuchs-Kliewer phonon modes of the substrate, and carrier donation by the substrate. In this dissertation, I focus on the possible origins of charge donation. Specifically, I explore the possible role of oxygen vacancies and niobium dopants in the SrTiO3 substrate and the role of Fe vacancies in the FeSe films. The experiments involved detailed studies of the substrate preparation and thin film growth protocols, using molecular beam epitaxy, scanning tunneling microscopy, (angle-resolved) photoemission, and ex-situ X-ray diffraction and magnetic measurements. We show that the use of selenium etched SrTiO3 substrates minimizes charge transfer across the interface and that the Tc enhancement via post annealing is primarily due to the reduction of Fe vacancies in the film. The latter has a profound effect on the Fermi level location and screening dynamics of the films. We finally investigated FeTe monolayers on SrTiO3. While the structure and composition of these films are nearly identical to those of FeSe on SrTiO3, they are not superconducting. Possible reasons for this dissimilar behavior will be discussed.

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