"Advancing Power Equipment and Line Protection with Practical Solutions" by Russell W. Patterson

Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Yilu Liu

Committee Members

Yilu Liu, Fei Wang, Ahmed Eltom, Stephen Craven, Fred Wang


This dissertation is the culmination of an academic and professional career dedicated to power system protection. It begins with an emphasis on the need for excellence in analysis of power system fault events with the goal of improving system protection and reliability. The bulk of this work describes the detailed analysis of various misoperations of protective relays and the solutions that those analysis led to. The last chapters round out the manuscript with two innovations that the author advanced, and which are now becoming part of the state of the art in generator protection being incorporated into Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards for generator protection.

In conclusion, this dissertation contributes to the field of power system protection by providing in-depth analyses of protection challenges and offering practical solutions to improve system protection and reliability. The research outcomes are contributions to enhancing the security and performance of power grids, ultimately benefiting both utilities and consumers.

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