Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Anne McIntyre

Committee Members

Michael Nash, Richard Saudargas, Robert Leggett


Differences in the report of and response to frustration were studied between 54 home-reared adolescents and 50 foster adolescents. Theoretical clarification regarding factors related to the report of frustration and hostile, blame-oriented response to frustration were also investigated in this study using the Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Test as well as a self-report measure of frustration experience. Findings showed that foster adolescents report significantly less frustration in the face of obstacles than do home-reared adolescents. Results also showed that elevated levels of Verbal IQ are related to decreased levels of frustration report, and that immature ego development is related to aggressive, blame-oriented, hostile response to frustration. The implications of these findings are discussed, and are compared and contrasted to information presented in studies of adult home-reared populations.

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