Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Herbert Howard


This study attempted to develop a history of the first quarter-century of WSM, Tennessee's first and only 50,000 watt clear channel AM radio station. With an original investment of $50,000, the National Life and Accident Insurance Company began a broadcast endeavor which led to WSM, Nashville, becoming one of the nation's most influential radio stations. To complete this study, statements and accounts of primary sources were utilized including interviews with key figures in WSM's history. Federal Communications Commission Records were researched as were industry trade papers and newspapers of the period. Among findings were the actions of individual Congressmen in helping WSM attain favorable treatment by the Federal Radio Commission in 1928 which led to WSM being granted one of the 40 clear channel frequencies in the nation. WSM was found to have played a very active role in fighting to preserve clear channel AM broadcasting. It was concluded that WSM's success and leadership was the result of the financial strength and commitment of the parent company, WSM's affiliation with NBC, and the national appeal of the Grand Ole Opry.

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