"Whistleblowing: How Millennials’ Desire for Transparency Affects Natio" by Rachel Gaudet

Baker Scholar Projects

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Whistleblowers have long been a debated topic, are they heroes or traitors? While there will never be a unanimous decision, the act of whistleblowing itself offers many benefits when carried out through the proper channels. The very publicized Edward Snowden case offers an extreme example of the consequences that could result when a whistleblower does not follow the federal guidelines set in place. To prevent future cases like Snowden’s, it becomes apparent that the current U.S. whistleblowing framework needs to be revamped and improved as more Millennials enter the workforce that could possibly possess similar ideologies to Snowden and be influenced or motivated by his dramatic plight. The purpose of the improved framework is not to prevent whistleblowing, but to prevent whistleblowing in avenues that could be detrimental to national security. Whistleblowing is a form of constant quality assurance and should be encouraged by the culture of the federal government and all associated agencies. This could support and maintain a good balance of trust between the government and its citizens – ultimately, creating a united front and strengthening national security.

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