Baker Scholar Projects
Submissions from 2023
Ballad Health: Understanding Appalachia’s Regional Healthcare Monopoly, Meredith A. Bailey
The Pink Tax: A Comparative Case Study Between Tennessee and Washington State, Megha Chitturi
Serving American Veterans: A Review and Analysis of Gaps in Service in the Needs of Veterans, Mary Elisabeth Germann
Competing for Innovation: A Case Study of Knoxville and Similar Metropolitan Areas, Lucille G. Marret
Does Electoral Proximity Influence Commitment to International Human Rights Law?, Nolan Ragland
The Eagle’s Eye on the Rising Dragon: Why the United States Has Shifted Its View of China, Jackson Craig Scott
Submissions from 2021
A Union Mitigation Effect on the Gender Wage Gap: Do “Right-to-Work” Laws Provide Evidence?, William W. Boyd
“A Tale of Twinned Cities”: A Comparative Analysis to Predict Potential Twinning on the US-Mexico Border, Katherine Fulcher
American Inequality: Taxation and the Rise of Economic Inequality, Codey R. King
Agricultural Development in Rwanda: Commercialization of the Poultry Sector, Mikayla Prince
Toward the Beloved Community: Development Patterns, Growth, and Inequality, John Wesley Smith II
The COVID-19 Crisis & Appalachian Counties of Tennessee: A Snapshot of Rural Resilience, Maria Urias
Aid—One Word, Many Theories: An Introduction to The Study of Foreign Aid, Jacob Welch
Comprehensive Overview and Proposal for Future Iranian-American Relations, Elizabeth Ashley Wheeler
Submissions from 2020
The Utility of Banking: Regulation, Inequality, and the Public Option, Jay Hearn
Unintended Consequences? The Impact of Targeted Economic Sanctions on International Terrorism, Hancen A. Sale
No Strings Attached? FDI, Ideology, and Levels of Democracy in Latin America, Alexander J. Tripp
Submissions from 2018
Policy of Current Hospital Translation Services and Recommendations for Future Adjustments for Spanish-Speaking Patients, Isidora Rose Beach
Submissions from 2016
Advocating for a Comprehensive and Mandatory Medical Amnesty/ Good Samaritan Policy on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Campus, Thomas Carpenter
Who Uses ‘Them’?: Gender-Neutral Pronoun Usage among Queer and Non-Queer College Students, Brandon Darr
The Civic Education Crisis and Its Effect on Young Voters, Caroline Duer
Whistleblowing: How Millennials’ Desire for Transparency Affects National Security, Rachel Gaudet
Cannabis and the Eastern Cherokee Nation: The Challenges, Barriers and Prospect, Miranda Gottlieb
Political Implications of Medicaid Expansion: A Decision for Five Incumbent Southern Governors Seeking Re-election in 2014 and 2015, Samuel R. Henninger
The 2015 World Expo Exposed: The Depiction of Global Food Security, Sara A. Stein
Submissions from 2015
Environmental Literacy and its Implications for Effective Public Policy Formation, Julianna H. Burchett
The Criminal Justice System and Political Participation, David Clark
The Challenges of Advancing Equal Rights for LGBT Individuals in an Increasingly Diverse Society: the Case of the French Taubira Law, Ashley M. Jakubek
Empowering Women and Girls through Sports: An Evaluation of a U.S. Department of State Sports Diplomacy Initiative, Alexis Skaggs
Submissions from 2014
Judicial Influence and the United States Federal District Courts: A Case Study, Justin Hickerson
Tennessee Education Reform: Understanding Policy Implementations in Tennessee’s Rural and Urban School Districts and Future Steps for Positive Change, Abigail Jeanne McKamey
The Pell Grant: Foundations, Current Model, and Future Public Policy Implications, Taylor K. Odle
The Evolution of Local Food System Policy, Kelsey Parkman
Profiling a Polarizing Congressional District: An Econometric Approach, Chase E. Pritchett
An Evaluation of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, Julia Ross
Submissions from 2013
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development: The PRDP for northern Uganda, Elliot Bertasi
United States and Canada: The Impact of the Socioeconomic Gap on Education Performance, Mackenzie Higgins
Chronic Absences, Truancy, and Dropouts, Kristin Kennedy
Analyzing the Effectiveness of OECD Economic Regulation in the Quest for ICESCR Compliance, Blair Kuykendall
A Case Study of the Evolving U.S.-Rare Earth Supply Chain, Richard Lusk
The Role of the Pediatrician in the Oral Health of a Child: A Survey of Tennessee Providers, Ryan Roberts
An Examination of the Individual Mandate, Jeremy Williams
Submissions from 2012
Pond Gap: Study of a Historically Diverse Community, Madline Brown
Full Service Schools: My Time at Inskip, Jordan Davis
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Sovereign Credit Default Swaps, National Stock Indices, and Interest Rate Differentials with Respect to Exchange Rate, Diego B. del-Castillo-Negrete
The Use of Economic Incentives in Promoting Government Stability in Counterterrorism Operations: Specifically Relating to the Republic of Yemen, Danielle Jones
United States Foreign Policy and the Iranian Bomb: A Three-Pronged Recommendation, Willam Cooke McLean
The Role of Nonprofit Microfinance Institutions in Alleviating Poverty: From Theory to Practice, Leah Oldham
Equality of Participation: A Rawlsian Critique of U.S. Federal Campaign Finance, Spenser F. Powell
Interning with the Tennessee General Assembly: My Experience, Thomas K. Turner
Peace Education and Its Discontents: An Evaluation of Youth, Violence, and Peace Programs in Northern Uganda, Jayanni Webster
Submissions from 2011
Antitrust Implications Surrounding the Bowl Championship Series: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, Reece Brassler
Local Government Relations in Knox County Executive Collaboration and its Impact, J. Ryan Sowell