Document Type
Weed, Insect and Disease Control
Publication Date
Goosegrass (Eleusine indica), also referred to as “silver crabgrass” or “wiregrass,” is a problematic annual grassy weed found in many turfgrass areas throughout Tennessee. Goosegrass thrives in compacted, poorly drained soils; consequently, it is commonly found in the high-traffic areas of sports fields, golf courses, and residential and commercial lawns. Goosegrass is not often found in healthy, growing turf. Controlling traffic or improving turfgrass vigor can reduce goosegrass populations, but herbicide applications will usually be required for complete control.
Recommended Citation
"W170-Goosegrass," The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, W170-2/09 09-0160,
Publication Number
W170-2/09 09-0160