"PB1727-A Review of USDA-Inspected Livestock Slaughtering Facilities in" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Value-Added Agriculture

Publication Date



This publication is an important part of the Center for Profitable Agriculture’s ongoing educational programs with individual farm families, value-added entrepreneurs and agricultural leaders across the state. The results presented in this publication represent one of the five objectives of the 2001 – 2003 Federal-State Market Improvement Program (FSMIP) project titled “Developing Target Markets for Value-Added Niche Products.”

Facilities in Tennessee that slaughter livestock for the public and whose services are inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are identified. Based on the results of the original study conducted in 2002, specific information pertaining to services rendered, species of livestock slaughtered and processed, and average cost of services is given. The information in Table 6 on page 11 was verified and revised in March 2007. All other information in this publication is based on results and information obtained in the original study conducted in 2002. These results can assist agri-entrepreneurs and small farm agribusinesses in the development of new market opportunities for value-added products and enterprises and can contribute to an improved overall understanding of the critical success factors needed for successful value-added agribusinesses.

Publication Number

07-0228 PB1727 500 4/07 (Rev) R12-4010-019-002-07

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