"PB1642-Considerations for a Value-Added Agribusiness" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Value-Added Agriculture

Publication Date



The Agricultural Development Center (ADC) was created by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service during the spring of 1998. The ADC’s mission is to increase the value of Tennessee’s economy through new, expanded and improved processing and marketing of agriculture, aquaculture and forestry commodities, i.e., “adding value!” Value can be added by processing, packaging and marketing products developed from agricultural sources.

To take advantage of Tennessee’s value-added agricultural potential, farmers and agri-entrepreneurs must be aware of value-added opportunities, as well as informed about the feasibility, planning and market development associated with a value-added business. There are also income opportunities for rural areas related to tourism, farm vacations, entertainment farming and other recreational activities and home-based industries.

The ADC assists new and existing producers, agri-entrepreneurs, service providers and agribusiness industries in Tennessee by providing educational and developmental services and technical support through a multi-disciplinary team approach. The areas of specialization include management, process engineering, business analysis, food technology, wood and wood products processing, market evaluation and feasibility analysis.

Publication Number

PB1642-3M-1/00 E12-2015-00-162-00

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