Document Type

Gardening - Vegetables: Pests & Diseases

Publication Date



The frustration can be unsettling. ”Why won’t this weed die? I sprayed it with an herbicide, but for the life of me I can not figure out why it’s still here.” This is a very common story we hear from many people trying to control tough weeds in lawns, vegetable gardens, flower beds, nurseries, forests and agricultural fields. Many times just a small change in your approach to controlling the weed is all that is needed, but sometimes the problem can be a bit more complex. Whatever the weed control challenge, it is likely someone else has shared this same experience.

Herbicides can be very effective tools to control problem weeds, especially when the correct herbicide is chosen for the weeds present. However, sometimes herbicides just do not perform as planned. When this happens, there are often clear reasons for this reduction in weed control. Some of the most common reasons for these herbicide failures are outlined below.

Publication Number

W192 9/08 09-0042

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