"SP629 Growing Trees from Seed" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Trees for Tennessee Landscapes - Planting

Publication Date



Often seedlings or saplings for a desired but uncommon tree are not commercially available for planting. Growing trees from seed is an effective method in obtaining these trees. Some people may wish to preserve offspring of a favored parent tree or just enjoy growing trees from seed as a green thumb project. Knowing when and how to collect and germinate tree seed is essential for success.

Seeds are a primary means of trees perpetuating themselves. The proper handling of seed through the processes of ripening or maturation, collecting, processing, storage (if needed), dormancy, stratification and germination is required for success in producing a new seedling. Most tree species are unique in their requirements for seed germination. Seed maturation, handling, storage, dormancy, stratification and germination are different for many species. This publication gives a short overview of these processes and lists the germination requirements for particular woody species or groups of species.

Publication Number

SP629-14M-9/04 R12-4910-045-003-05 05-0064

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