"PB1523 Forest Practice Guidelines for Tennessee" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Forests & Forestry

Publication Date



Those involved in managing Tennessee forests have felt the need for a concise statement about forest practices in Tennessee. Although several sources provide information about Tennessee’s forests and appropriate forest practices, searching for information takes considerable time, and in some instances the sources are not readily available. These guidelines provide a ready, authoritative reference. This publication identifies appropriate forest management practices and informs the Tennessee forest landowner about making wise policy decisions and establishing long-range goals.

However, many land management decisions are complex and can not be explained here. In most cases, forest management requires the services of a professional forester. A professional forester has received at a minimum a four-year college degree in forest management from an accredited forestry program, and keeps current about the latest forest management practices.

Publication Number

PB1523-30M-2/95 R12-1041-08-001-95

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