"PB1783 Site Preparation and Competition Control Guidelines for Hardwoo" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Hardwood Silviculture Notes

Publication Date



Establishing a successful hardwood planting requires attention to several key elements, including proper species selection, seedling quality, proper planting technique, and short- and long-term control of competing vegetation. This publication addresses these aspects of successful hardwood plantation establishment and maintenance, with special emphasis on controlling competing vegetation. The latter is best achieved through the combined effects of proper tree density management, proper use of groundcovers and pro-active herbicide prescriptions.

Unfortunately, controlling weeds, particularly broadleaf weeds, in hardwood plantings is difficult once weeds become established. Preventing weed problems before they occur is the key to successful competition control. The use of appropriate groundcovers and the proper pre-planting treatments limit weed development prior to planting and establish proactive competition control measures after the planting. The degree of weed control required varies, depending on the species and quality of seedlings being planted, soils, past land use, weed species and planting objective(s). Because each of these factors varies considerably from one planting to another, general recommendations for weed control have to be evaluated for each site and adjusted to meet specific site requirements.

This publication presents recommendations for key factors associated with hardwood planting success. The publication also provides competition control and site preparation alternatives for a number of common planting sites and conditions. For each site and condition, several alternatives provide a range of options, allowing users to select the alternative that best fits their objectives and timetables. Recommendations were developed using results from research trials and experience with operational hardwood plantings for timber, wildlife and conservation objectives. Recommendations include the development of appropriate groundcovers, coupled with both chemical and physical controls that have proved useful in reducing competition, resulting in a successful planting.

Publication Number

09-0192 R12-4910-079-019-09 PB1783-9M-06/09

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