Document Type
Forests & Forestry
Publication Date
The length of time necessary to grow quality hardwood trees is perhaps the greatest deterrent preventing private landowners from practicing hardwood management. Valuable trees such as white and red oaks, cherry, ash, yellow poplar and black walnut require decades to reach financial maturity. This publication describes how to accelerate growth rates in your young hardwood forest, which is vital to keeping your interest alive during the critical and dynamic time between seedling establishment and final harvest.
Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) is a forest management tool used to enhance growth rates of timber and shorten the time required for hardwood crops to mature. TSI provides an opportunity for you to become actively involved in managing your timber, while increasing the possibility of a more favorable financial return.
Recommended Citation
"SP559 Crop Tree Release in Precommercial Hardwood Stands," The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, SP559-1M-3/07 (Rep) R12-4910-071-014-07,
Publication Number
SP559-1M-3/07 (Rep) R12-4910-071-014-07