"PB1751 A Southern Pine Management Guide for Tennessee Landowners" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Forests & Forestry

Publication Date



Forestry’s impact upon Tennessee is inescapable. The wood products industry contributes more than $21 billion annually to the state economy and employs 184,000 workers.1 There are 14.4 million acres of forestland across the state, more than half the land base, and nearly 70 percent of these lands are owned by private, non-industrial landowners. Tennessee prides itself upon being one of the nation’s largest producers of hardwood timber, but 1.2 million acres of our forests are comprised of southern yellow pines.

These pines contribute not only to a diversity of products that can be commercially marketed, but also increase the wide array of recreational and wildlife opportunities that make Tennessee a unique environment. Recent outbreaks of the southern pine beetle, as well as changing perceptions regarding intensive forestry practices, have created more interest in the limited, but valuable pine resource in Tennessee.

This handbook was written as a cooperative effort between University of Tennessee Extension, Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension and the Tennessee Department of Agriculture- Division of Forestry to assist Tennessee landowners in managing their pine resource, whether five or 500 acres. It is our hope that this resource will help landowners make sound management decisions and consider managing for pines on lands best suited for the resource. The handbook establishes guidelines in the steps to maintain a healthy pine resource and is a reference for making future decisions. However, it will not replace the expertise that can be gained from working with a local state forester or private forestry consultant.

Publication Number

PB1751-2.6M-3/05 R12-4910-050-001-05

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