"SP707 Choosing the Right Herbicide" by The University of Tennessee Agriculture Extension Service

Document Type

Weeds and Weed Management

Publication Date



Herbicides are chemicals used to control weeds in different crop and non-crop environments. Choosing the right herbicide for a weed control issue can be confusing, intimidating and a time-consuming process. In this day and age, shopping for any consumer product can be difficult, even if comparing prices is your major concern. However, the most frustrating part about shopping for herbicide products is trying to determine if you are actually getting the right product to control your problem weeds at an affordable price. Many retailers who sell herbicide products might not have a staff member specializing in this area, so, unfortunately, having a knowledgeable person to discuss the situation with is not always possible. In this situation, knowing how to interpret a product label can be extremely helpful. The label contains all the information you need to properly apply the product. However, there are a few things you need to consider before you purchase an herbicide.

Publication Number

SP707-5M-6/08 E12-5115-00-013-08 08-0235

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