"SP437-A High-quality Hay Production" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

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Then pasture growth is limited, some type of stored feed must be provided to grazing animals. Hay is one of the most versatile stored feeds available because:

1. Accumulated forage from periods of excess growth can be cut for hay, which minimizes waste.

2. It can be stored for long periods of time with little loss in nutritional value if protected from weather.

3. It can be produced and fed in large or small amounts.

4. It can be produced and fed either mechanically or manually.

5. It can supply the nutrient requirements of most classes of livestock.

6. A large number of crops can be used to produce hay.

Since hay is such a widely used stored feed, it is important to understand the factors that influence hay quality and the criteria used to evaluate hay quality. This information can then be used to develop a feeding program that will be the most effective and efficient in meeting each producer’s goals.

Publication Number

07-288 SP437-A -3.5M-7/07 E12-5115-00-001-08

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