"PB1604 How Will Your Food Be Regulated" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Food Safety

Publication Date



As you to prepare to enter the food business, you need to be aware of a few basic principles before making a total commitment. In UT Extension PB1399, Getting Started in a Food Manufacturing Business in Tennessee, the obstacles are defined with regard to the mechanisms of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), labeling, legal aspects, types of permits, etc. However, the Federal Code of Regulations divides different foods into categories or classes, and they are regulated differently by the state and federal governments. Additional information is available at www.wcmorris.com.

Foods are essentially differentiated by the amount of acid present, added and/or water activity (aw) and whether the food is in a hermetically sealed container. A hermetically sealed container means a container that is designed and intended to be secure against the entry of microorganisms, thereby maintaining the commercial sterility of its contents after processing.

Publication Number

PB1604-500-3/05 (Rep) E12-4815-00-003-0 05-03025

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