"SP613-A Tools for Money Management - Saving-Spending Plan Instructions" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Personal Finances

Publication Date



A spending-savings plan will help you to stay in control of your finances. You can use it to make ends meet, save for emergencies and plan ahead for big expenses. With your spending well under control, you can

• pay your bills.

• have money for the things you need.

• have less stress.

• feel better about yourself.

Use the worksheet (factsheet SP 613-B) to plan your savings and spending. You will estimate both your income and expenses. Use a pencil or erasable pen so that if your income and savings/spending are not in balance, you can make changes.

Publication Number

10-0102 SP613-A-10M-1/10 E12-5315-00-039-10

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