"PB1662 Turning Personal Resources into Income" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Personal Finances

Publication Date



All of us need enough money to live a decent life and support our loved ones who depend on us. You’ve probably heard it said that it’s easy to make money if you have money. If you don’t already have money, sometimes you have to be especially creative in using what you have to get what you want. That’s why we want to think about personal resources, and how to turn those resources into income.

A personal resource is something you already have that can be used to get other things you want or need. Examples of personal resources you have that can be turned into income are your time, talents, know-how and money. Things you own and people you know may also help you increase your income. This booklet will help you think creatively about ways to use personal resources to make money, even if you don’t have much of it now.

Publication Number

PB1662-2.5M-12/00 E12-5315-00-022-01

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