"SP681-Y-Communicating With Your Parents" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens - Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens

Publication Date



You may just need a little help relating to your parents, or you may need to talk to them about something difficult. Either way, read on!

Opening a dialogue is not as frightening as it may seem, and it doesn’t have to be the adult who starts the discussion. Teens can open the lines of communication, too. As the saying goes, “talking is a two way street.” If there is something on your mind, if you are feeling confused or if you just need to talk, there is always some trustworthy adult willing to listen. Your parents, your aunts and uncles, a teacher or guidance counselor, even your grandparents — there is an adult you can turn to. They may not like what you are saying and may even get mad; but if you stay cool and stay on topic, they will listen. Choose an adult you know will listen before reacting, take a deep breath and make the ever so important move of communicating. You’ll be glad you did.

There is a lot to be learned from listening to adults. They have been through the teen years and have the gift of hindsight in making their judgments. Remember that your parents were teens in the 60s and 70s, eras known for some pretty wild antics and open attitudes. These are not adults who are clueless about the lures of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. When they offer advice think about what they are saying and where they are coming from. They aren’t out to ruin your fun or stop you from having a life. Even the most conservative adult has your best interests at heart. Before deciding that everything adults have to say is bogus or that it is out of touch with the times, take a moment to really hear what is being said. You will be surprised at how much sense adults can make.

Publication Number

SP681-Y 10/06 07-0027

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