"SP681-D-Talking About Sex" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens - Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens

Publication Date



When you have questions about sex, it is normal to feel awkward about asking them. We all have questions about sex. Your questions could be based on curiosity or fear or just plain anticipation! You may know some people your own age who think they have all the answers about sex. They don’t. In fact, it is much better to get your information from parent or other adult. It’s not always easy to talk with your parents about the personal things, but they really are one of your best source for factual information. Even though they may not know the answers to all your questions, they probably know where to find correct answers.

Remember, many parents did not have much sexuality education themselves, so talking about sex may be hard for them, too. One way to begin is to ask your parents what their parents taught them about sexuality. That conversation can open up a lot of different topics and help you understand your parent’s viewpoint. Also, if you are watching a TV show or a movie together and sex, pregnancy or abortion come up, try engaging your parents in a conversation about the issues of concern to you. Say something like, “Wow, those two characters had sex only after one date. What do you think about that?”

Publication Number

SP681-D 7/07 07-0002

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