"SP418-Q-Healthy Children: 17-18 Months" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens

Publication Date



You have probably noticed by now that your little one can show intense feelings. You may have seen him become suddenly very excited, frustrated, happy, angry or fearful.

You can help him understand his feelings by giving them each a name. When a box won’t open or a car won’t roll, your little one may drop it or throw it in anger. Hold him and say calmly that you know it makes him angry when the toy won’t work. These words show your toddler that you understand his feelings. Show him how the toy works, substitute another toy or just hold him gently. He will know you care about his feelings, and he will begin to learn to handle them.

It takes many years for a child to understand and cope with his feelings. The help you give him now will make this learning easier.

Publication Number

SP418-Q 01/10(Rev.) 2M E12-5320-00-042-10 10-0121

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