"SP418-K-Healthy Children_9 Months Old" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Parenting, Children and Teens

Publication Date



YOU have plenty of reasons for feeling good about yourself. You have done a great job of raising this little 9-month-old baby. And of course, if you feel good about yourself, your baby will feel good about herself, too.

When you feel good about the kind of person you are, you can tackle almost anything. That’s why it’s important to cheer your baby on when she tries new things. Every time there is a “first” in her life — crawling, walking, talking, hitting a ball, etc. — encourage her and help her build the self-confidence she needs.

Publication Number

SP418-K 11/09(Rev.) 3M E12-5320-00-031-10 10-0081

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