"SP500-Best Management Practices for Land Application of Biosolids" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Outdoor Environmental Concerns

Publication Date



With increasing costs in production agriculture, many landowners are considering biosolids as a safe, inexpensive source of crop nutrients. Many landowners have found success using biosolids and eagerly recommend biosolids to their neighbors. The use of best management practices (BMPs) by wastewater treatment plants, haul truck operators and landowners during the application of biosolids results in landowner satisfaction and good public perception.

Unfortunately, not every wastewater treatment plant is finding success with biosolids marketing and, all too often, practices have resulted in complaint generation. Just a little negative publicity can derail an application program. Consider the following factors as integral parts of a best management plan for land application of biosolids.

Publication Number

SP500-30M-10/97 R12-5210-03-003-98

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