"PB1742-2007 Cotton Variety Test Results in Tennessee" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Crop Performance

Publication Date



The University of Tennessee cotton variety testing program provides an unbiased evaluation of new varieties for commercial cotton production in Tennessee. Experimental strains are also tested, and major cultivars are grown in county variety demonstrations. Results are intended to help cotton producers identify varieties that are well adapted to Tennessee, produce high quality fiber, and are relatively stable in yield performance. Results are also used by the seed industry, crop consultants, and the UT extension service to assess varietal adaptation to field environments in Tennessee.

Information contained within this report covers the major components of the 2007 cotton variety testing program of the University of Tennessee. Information reported includes yield, fiber quality data, CCC loan values and selected growth characteristics from the Official Variety Trials (OVT) and Stage IV Advanced Strains Testing. In addition to experiment station testing, the results from county standard test (CST) demonstrations of cotton varieties in West and Middle Tennessee are also included. A glossary is included at the end of this report to define technical terms and abbreviations used.

Publication Number


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