"PB443 Corn Production in Tennessee" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

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Corn is the most important grain crop in Tennessee. The total acreage of corn grown for grain and silage has been about 700,000 to 900,000 since 1970, with the silage acreage remaining about 140,000 acres each year since 1970. This is about one-fourth the total acreage of corn grown in Tennessee in 1930, but increased yields have tended to offset reduced acreage.

The average yield 55 years ago was about 20 to 25 bushels per acre, which was no better than the yields recorded 100 years ago. Tennessee farmers increased corn yields from 35 bushels per acre in 1955, to about 40 bushels in 1960, to 50 bushels in 1965, to 85 bushels in 1979. Statewide averages continued to increase from 98 bushels in 1985 to 107 bushels in 1989 and 114 bushels in 2000. The record average yield of 124 bushels per acre was obtained in 1992.

Publication Number

PB443-3M-6/01(Rev) E12-525-00-032-01

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