"SP690-Handling Facilities for Beef Cattle" by The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service

Document Type

Beef Cattle - Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program


Beef cattle producers need good handling facilities if they are to perform recommended management practices (vaccinating, identifying, castrating, dehorning, implanting, deworming, checking for pregnancy, etc.) Producers planning to purchase a squeeze chute or other handling-facility components may apply for a cost-share through the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program administered by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Premise identi cation and Beef Quality Assurance certi cation are prerequisites for applying for the funds. Approval of the request must be received before items are purchased.

A good handling facility allows for the treatment of animals, reduces the possibility of injury to both animal and producer and makes cattle handling much easier.

Publication Number

SP690 R05-4105-080-021-07 07-0119

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