Aims & Scope | Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy | University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Aims & Scope

The Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy analyzes the latest developments in law and public policy decision-making. Our primary goal is to make a vital contribution to the current dialogue on contemporary policy by publishing innovative articles on such topics as: government and self-regulation, health, environment, family, gender, taxation, and finance, legal decision-making, criminal justice and human rights. TJLP attempts to publish articles that analyze the intersection of our legal system with local, state, and federal policy.

TJLP is also committed to generating a symposium-based publication that bring together communities of scholars, through a mutual and collaborative student and faculty process, emphasizing existing and emerging visions of the law in relation to interdisciplinary and multicultural perspectives.

The Journal explores areas that touch on a number of disciplines and attract readers from a variety of professional interests. By publishing essays and commentaries, in addition to traditional scholarly articles, the Journal offers a unique addition to the scholastic environment of the University.