Reclaiming the Racial Diversity of the Early Christian Church

Event Location

Alumni Memorial Building

Program Abstract/Summary

In Western Civilization there has been a gradual white washing of the history of the early Christian church. If you ask how many of the early church fathers were black, many would simply not know. In this presentation we will take a look at several influential North African Church Fathers and get a glimpse of the diversity that was found in early Christianity.


I just returned from Prague on a trip with Mustafa Ali-Smith. I began to talk with him about this topic and he asked if I could possibly submit to lead a discussion on this topic for the conference. I am still putting it together and do not have a file as of yet, but wanted to submit before the time was up. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Reclaiming the Racial Diversity of the Early Christian Church

Alumni Memorial Building

In Western Civilization there has been a gradual white washing of the history of the early Christian church. If you ask how many of the early church fathers were black, many would simply not know. In this presentation we will take a look at several influential North African Church Fathers and get a glimpse of the diversity that was found in early Christianity.