"Function of Exceptionality Status and Gender" by Sherry Mee Bell and R. Steve McCallum


Relationships between foreign language learning and four characteristics— anxiety, aptitude, attitudes and attributions for success—were investigated for 95 students enrolled in introductory level Spanish classes at a large, southeastern university in the United States. Examination grades resulted in significantly positive correlation with an aptitude measure and significantly negative correlation with luck attributions for foreign language success (p < .05). Students identified as gifted tended to score higher than those with learning disabilities on exams, though not significantly higher, perhaps as a result of the small sample size and highly variable performance of the gifted students (p < .05). In addition, the gifted students reported less anxiety (p < .04). Females reported higher anxiety (p < .001) than males though they earned (non-significantly) higher scores (than males) on exams (p > .05). Modern Language Aptitude Test Part IV and luck attributions significantly predicted exam grades within a multiple regression analysis. In a second multiple regression analysis, only effort and ability attributions significantly predicted anxiety. Results underscore the importance of understanding and addressing both cognitive and affective variables in learning a new language.
