10:35 - 11:30 am: Poster Session | 33rd Annual Research Symposium of the College of Communication and Information

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Poster Session
Friday, February 25th
10:35 AM

A Method to the Madness: A survey of research methods employed in studying science communication

Tiffany C. Chao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Biodiversity Information Needs in the Southern Appalachians:

Miriam L.E. Steiner Davis, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Suzie Allard, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Carol Tenopir, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Christopher E. Caldwell, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Jana Redmond, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Cell phones for Development

Devendra Dilip Potnis

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Collaboration - It's a Good Thing!: A multi-faceted role analysis in graduate student education as "faculty-in-training".

Priyanki Sinha, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. School of Information Sciences
Jim Malone, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. School of Information Sciences
Todd E. Suomela, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. School of Information Sciences
Elizabeth Noakes, The University of Tennessee Knoxville. School of Information Sciences
Lisa Metzer, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. School of Information Sciences
David L. Sims, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. School of Information Sciences

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Environmental Information Science: A Course at the Intersection of Popper's Worlds

Lisa Metzer, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Elizabeth Noakes
Jim Malone
Priyanki Sinha
Todd Suomela

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Journal-Ranking Lists, Ideology, and the Academic Librarian: A Critical Analysis

Stephen Bales, Texas A & M University - College Station
Laura Sare, Texas A & M University - College Station
Catherine Coke, Texas A & M University - College Station
Wyoma Vanduinkerken, Texas A & M University - College Station

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Scientific Data Practices & Preservation Among Turkish Environmental Scientists and Information Scientists

Suzie Allard, University of Tennessee
Arsev Aydinoglu, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Perceptions and uses of Google Scholar among undergraduate students

Monica Colon-Aguirre, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Karen Freberg, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Suzie Allard, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

The Information Behavior of Hospice Volunteer Coordinators

Sheri Edwards, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

The Political Context of Scientific Data: Understanding the Value Public Officials Place on Knowledge (SciValue)

Kimberly L. Douglass, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

The Science of Team Science: An Emerging Context for

Patricia F. Katopol, University of Iowa

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

10:35 AM

Three Tests of Affluenza: TV Viewing and Materialism

Mark D Harmon, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

CCI Auditorium, 321 Communications Building

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM