Baker Scholar Projects

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The civic education crisis is the most underrated crisis in the American education system. The voter turnout rates in America are very low and education policies are heavily focused on STEM. In my report I analyze the link between the quality of state education and youth voter turnout as well as the link between civics exams scores and youth voter turnout. As the civic education crisis grows, and national support for civics ebbs and flows, citizens, especially young people, are going to be the victims. When civic knowledge decreases, it is impossible for our government to function properly. Without the government being held accountable, the freedoms that citizens experience will be given up voluntarily without much awareness. It is our responsibility as citizens to increase our own knowledge and help to promote better education for all. The data available for analyzing education quality and civics exam scores is abysmal and public policy has made proving statistical relevance challenging, but future research addressing diversity, socioeconomic status, and the quality of civics education can fill in the data gaps.

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