IACE Hall of Fame Repository
Bamberg Donates Time: Andragogues Develop a City
Document Type
Publication Date
Induction Class Year
A project of cultural learning in a community in Germany is described: Students of andragogy organized a public exchange of “gifts” without material value; the idea was that the donator offered to share two to three hours of the personal life in a joint activity. About 200 people including local respected authorities participated. The event on the market-place before Christmas became a public festival; the idea was widely welcomed with joy. The regional press reported; many gift-encounters took place. A challenging discussion took place about the relationship to adult education and andragogy.
Recommended Citation
Reischmann, Jost (2005): Bamberg Donates Time. Andragogues Develop a City. Commission of International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE). Pittsburgh, PA. Nov. 2005. Available at: http://works.bepress.com/jost_reischmann/5