Trailer for Recycled Video Festival


Troy Davis

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2005


Description: All Mixed Up - . Credits: Original Soundtrack created using Apple Soundtrack Software Sampled: George Bush, Spiro Agnew DJ Food - Raiding the 20th Century - Words & Music Expansion (starring Paul Morley and a cast of thousands) Marshall McLuhan Tracks 1-2 From the LP "The Medium is the Massage" (Columbia Records, late 1960s) Un Chien andalou France 1929 / Dir Luis Bunuel, Salvador Dali Black and white. 17 mins. Starring Lee Miller, Pierre Batcheff, Simone Mareuil, Luis Bunuel Robert Rauschenberg Linoleum (excerpt) (1967) 4 mins. 12 secs Day In The Death Of Donny B. (ca. 1969) Docudrama, shot Cinema-Verite style, which follows a junkie on his never-ending quest for money, and ultimately, his fix. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education, Health & Welfare Director: Carl Fick Producer: Louis Mucciolo

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