Pic Spin Win Contest 2014
Sponsored by UT Libraries' Special Collections and the Studio. Please note, this contest is only open to current University of Tennessee undergraduate and graduate students.WHAT:
The first annual Pic Spin Win contest. Participants are asked to “repurpose” archival photographs from Special Collections – through collage, mash-up, or reproduction – to create an art piece that reflects the contest’s theme of “school spirit.”WHEN:
Registration opens January 13. All entries must be received no later than April 9, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. Winners will be notified April 25, 2014.WHERE:
To find vintage photographs of the University of Tennessee you can:Visit Special Collections in Hodges Library
Sample Collections:
* Photo Services Negatives (AR.0052)
* Robert Morris Photographs (AR.0041)
* University of Tennessee Photograph and Slide Collection (AR.0018)
Browse our Digital Collections
Sample Collections:
* Tennessee Mugwump
* University of Tennessee Photograph and Slide Collection
* University of Tennessee Football Programs
* Volunteer Yearbooks
Check out our Pinterest Page
Sample Collections:
* UT Football
* UT History
** Please note, for copyright reasons, contestants are strongly encouraged to use University Archives (AR) collections. For more information about Special Collections' rights and usage policies, please visit: http://www.lib.utk.edu/special/rightsreproductions/.
First Place: $100; swag bag; showcase on digital screens in UT Libraries and University CenterSecond Place: $75; swag bag; showcase on digital screens in UT Libraries and University Center
Third Place: $25; swag bag; showcase on digital screens in UT Libraries and University Center
All submissions will be displayed on the contest website and in a physical exhibit in the galleria of Hodges Library.
Before submitting content to the 2013 Pic Spin Win contest, contestants should carefully review all contest instructions and the copyright and removal policies, and sign the submission agreement.
To Submit Your Entry:
- Create a Trace account using your NetID
- Complete the submission form. Requested information includes:
* Title of the Work
* Name and Contact Information (email address and telephone number)
* Academic Level (undergraduate or graduate)
* Brief Bio
* Abstract (description of what the piece represents, up to 75 words) - Sign the submission form
- Upload your electronic file (formats limited to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and PDF)
Classes on copyright, how to use special collections, and Photoshop will be regularly scheduled throughout the semester. Check back regularly for updates. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the contest administrators:Special Collections
Rabia Gibbs, rgibbs4@utk.edu
Vicki Palmer, vpalmer@utk.edu
The Studio
Michelle Brannen, brannen@utk.edu
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