SACSCOC Documentation
This series contains documents produced by the University of Tennessee that pertain to its regional accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Contents include reports of various types, as well as correspondence between the University and SACSCOC regarding substantive changes made by the University to academic programming. There are also two integrated websites that contain information and documentation compiled by the University for the 2005 and 2015 compliance assessments undertaken by the SACSCOC.
These documents, and additional information regarding accrediting standards, policies and publications are available on the University's SACSCOC Accreditation website, and are stored here for archival purposes.
Submissions from 2022
Add Master of Science in Marketing Degree Program (SACSCOC Response), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Closure of the Master of Law in United States Business Law Program (SACSCOC Response), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Reassignment of Commission Staff Notification, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
SACSCOC Referral Report 2022, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Submissions from 2021
2021 Fifth-Year Interim Report, Narratives only (238 pages), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Add Graduate Certificate in Horticultural Therapy (SACSCOC Response), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Add Horticultural Therapy Graduate Certificate (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Closure of the Dietetic Internship Program (SACSCOC Response), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Closure of the Master of Science in Nursing Program (SACSCOC Response), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
New Program Prospectus - Horticultural Therapy Undergraduate Certificate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
New Program Prospectus - Marketing MS, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Program Closure Prospectus - Master of Law in United States Business Law (LLM), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Program Closure Prospectus - Nursing MSN, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Program Closure/Reorganization - Master of Law in United States Business Law LLM (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Program Closure/Reorganization - Master of Science in Nursing MSN (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
QEP Impact Report, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Response from SACSCOC - New Program Approval - Horticultural Therapy Undergraduate Certificate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Submissions from 2020
Program Closure/Reorganization - Dietetic Internship, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Temporary Relocation of Instruction Notification - COVID-19, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Temporary Relocation of Instruction Notification - COVID-19 (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Submissions from 2019
Add Master of Legal Studies Degree Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Dual Degree Agreement for College of Engineering with Tennessee Wesleyan, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Submissions from 2018
Dual Enrollment Agreement between UT Knoxville and Pellissippi State Community College (PSCC) for the benefit of ROTC students at PSCC, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Offer a Master of Legal Studies for 30 Semester Credit Hours (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Renewal of an Agreement with UTHSC to offer a Joint Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Audiology and Speech Pathology (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Submissions from 2017
Collaborative Agreement for the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (Follow-up), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Collaborative Agreement for the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Dual Degree Program between King University and UT Tickle College of Engineering (SACSCOC Response), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dual Degree Program between King University and UT Tickle College of Engineering (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
New Off-Site Location, Professional MBA Program (SACSCOC Final Response), SACSCOC
New Off-Site Location, Professional MBA Program (UTK Reponse), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Submissions from 2016
2015 SACSCOC Reaffirmation Letter for University of Tennessee, Knoxville, SACSCOC
Add Graduate Certificate in Deafness Rehabilitation (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Add Graduate Certificate in Deafness Rehabilitation (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Add Graduate Certificate in Youth Informatics (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Add Graduate Certificate in Youth Informatics (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Closure of the University Research Administration Graduate Certificate Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Collaborative Agreement for the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
New Off-Site Location, Professional MBA Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
New Off-Site Location, Professional MBA Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Offer an LL.M. in Business Law for 24 Semester Credit Hours (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
University of Tennessee, Nashville, 1947-1979, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Submissions from 2015
2015 Quality Enhancement Plan: Experience Learning, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2015 SACSCOC Accreditation Letter for University of Tennessee Health Science Center, SACSCOC
2015 UT Compliance Focused Report, Narratives Only, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Closure of the Art Education Major with Teach-Out Plan (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closure of the Art Education Major with Teach-Out Plan (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closure of the Global Disaster Nursing Graduate Certification Program and the Global Disaster Studies Certificate Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closure of the Public Health Leadership Graduate Certificate Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closure of the Public Health Leadership Graduate Certificate Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closure of the Sustainability Science Graduate Certificate Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closure of the Sustainability Science Graduate Certificate Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closure of the University Research Administration Graduate Certificate Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Dual Degree Agreement for College of Engineering and Maryville College (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Dual Degree Agreement for College of Engineering and Maryville College (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Dual Degree Agreement for College of Veterinary Medicine and Maryville College (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Dual Degree Agreement for College of Veterinary Medicine and Maryville College (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Dual Degree Agreements with the College of Engineering (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Offer an LL.M. in Business Law for 24 Semester Credit Hours (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
University of Tennessee, Knoxville Compliance Focused Report, University of Tennessee Knoxville
University of Tennessee Quality Enhancement Plan: Experience Learning, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Submissions from 2014
2014 UT Compliance Report, Narratives Only (429 pages), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Closure of the Aviation Systems, Master of Science (consolidated under the Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science) (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closure of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Graduate Certificate Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closure of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Graduate Certificate Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closure of the Land Surveying Graduate Certificate Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closure of the Land Surveying Graduate Certificate Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Dual Degree Agreements with the College of Engineering (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Submissions from 2013
Bachelor of Science in Audiology and Speech Pathology, joint degree between the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closure of the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Doctoral Program (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closure of the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Doctoral Program (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Confirmation of Continuous Accreditation Letter (SACSCOC), SACSCOC
Consolidating multiple foreign language and literature undergraduate majors into a unified major (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
SACSCOC Letter Confirming Continuous Accreditation for University of Tennessee, Knoxville, SACSCOC
UT-UTIA Memorandum of Understanding, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Submissions from 2012
Dual Degree Program, PhD in Education between the University of Tennessee and the University of Padua, Italy (Follow-Up), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dual Degree Program, PhD in Education between the University of Tennessee and the University of Padua, Italy (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Future at the University of Tennessee Utilizing Resources for Employment (FUTURE) Certificate -- notification for access to federal financial aid (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Reorganization of the University of Tennessee making University of Tennessee, Knoxville and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center separate entities (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Submissions from 2011
2011 Fifth-Year Interim Reaffirmation of Accreditation Report, Narratives Only (148 pages), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Change reporting line for Men's and Women's Athletics Programs (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Change reporting line for Men's and Women's Athletics Programs (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Change reporting line for the University of Tennessee Space Institute (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Change reporting line for the University of Tennessee Space Institute (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville
Closing of the MSW course offerings in Memphis, Tennessee (Follow-up), University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Closing of the MSW course offerings in Memphis, Tennessee (Follow-up SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closing of the MSW course offerings in Memphis, Tennessee (SACSCOC Response), SACSCOC
Closing of the MSW course offerings in Memphis, Tennessee (UTK Notification), University of Tennessee Knoxville