Public Health Publications and Other Works | College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Submissions from 2018


Health Economic Models, Laurence Djatche, Stefan Varga, and Robert D. Lieberthal


Radon in Schools: A Brief Review of State Laws and Regulations in the United States, Kelsey Gordon, Paul D. Terry, Xingxing Liu, Tiffany Harris, Don Vowell, Bud Yard, and Jiangang Chen

Submissions from 2017


A Little Bug with a Big Bite: Impact of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestations on Forest Ecosystems in the Eastern USA and Potential Control Strategies, Amanda Letheren, Stephanie Hill, Jeanmarie Salie, James Parkman, and Jiangang Chen

Submissions from 2016


Associations between non-discrimination and training policies and physicians’ attitudes and knowledge about sexual and gender minority patients: a comparison of physicians from two hospitals, Jennifer M. Jabson, Jason W. Mitchell, and Benjamin Doty


Temporal Development of Gut Microbiota in Triclocarban Exposed Pregnant and Neonatal Rats, Rebekah C. Kennedy, Russell R. Fling, Michael S. Robeson, Arnold M. Saxton, Robert L. Donnell, John L. Darcy, David A. Bernis, Jiang Liu, Ling Zhao, and Jiangang Chen