President's Communications
Submissions from 2015
Ice Cream at the UT Gardens, Office of the President
Interim UT Martin Chancellor Appointment, Office of the President
Outcomes of the State Legislative Session, Office of the President
Survey Results Being Shared Through Open Forums March 23-27, Office of the President
Make a Difference This Legislative Session by Advocating for UT, Office of the President
New Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs and Programs and UTFI President and CEO, Office of the President
Submissions from 2014
UT Budget Update, Office of the President
Focusing on Our Fiscal Challenges, Office of the President
Important New Information on Lobbying Compliance, Office of the President
Budget Update, Office of the President
You're Invited to a Faculty and Staff Cookout, Office of the President
University Speakers and Events, Office of the President
UT Research Foundation Leadership, Office of the President
VP Theotis Robinson's Retirement, Office of the President
Year-end Greetings 2014, Office of the President
Submissions from 2013
Year-end Greetings 2013, Office of the President
New Safety Policy to Protect Minors Participating in Campus Programs, Office of the President
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, Office of the President
2014 Insurance Coverage and Program Offerings, Office of the President
The Future of Higher Education, Office of the President
2013 Pay Increases, Office of the President
Pilot Program to Test Coursera Technology, Office of the President
Feedback from 2011 Employee Survey Making a Difference, Office of the President
Knoxville-area Tribute Cookout, Office of the President
State Budget Approved, Positively Impacts UT, Office of the President
UTC Chancellor Update, Office of the President
Revised UT Code of Conduct, Office of the President
State of UT Webcast, Office of the President
Join the State of UT Discussion, Office of the President
Strategic Plan Update - Implementation Summary, Office of the President
Submissions from 2012
End of Year Message, Office of the President
Happy Holidays from the DiPietros, Office of the President
Strategic Plan Update, Office of the President
Equity and Diversity Transitions to Human Resources, Office of the President
2013 Insurance Coverage and Program Offerings, Office of the President
UT Chattanooga Leadership Change, Office of the President
Compensation Advistory Board Update, Office of the President
UTC Searches, Office of the President
2012 Pay Increases, Office of the President
Strategic Plan 2012-2017, Office of the President
May 1 Tribute Event, Office of the President