Nutrient Accumulation in Leaf Tissue of Rapid-cycling Brassuca Oleracea Responds to Increasing Sodium Selenate Concentrations

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Brassica oleracea L. are important economic vegetables, and are capable of selenium (Se) enrichment to enhance human nutrition and health. Because Se enrichment may influence the nutrient balance of this crop, a study was done to test the effects of selenate-Se on plant nutrients. Plants of a rapid-cycling B. oleracea population were grown in nutrient solutions amended with Na2SeO4at 0.0, 3.0, 6.0, and 9.0 mg L-1. Leaf tissue was then analyzed for nutrient content. Boron (B) (P=0.01), iron (Fe) (P=0.01), and phosphorus (P) (P=0.01) content decreased, while Se (P=0.01), sulfur (S) (P=0.01), and potassium (K) content (P=0.01) increased with increasing selenate-Se treatments. Significant quadratic responses were found for magnesium (P=0.01) and molybdenum (P=0.01). No significant differences in leaf fresh or dry weight were detected. Changes in plant nutrient content can be expected when Brassicas are enhanced for delivery of beneficial organic Se.

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